USO Committed to Quality of Life for Soldiers in Syria

In the heart of challenging environments, where service members face immense pressures and demanding duties, USO Europe, Middle East, and Africa’s (EMEA) expeditionary efforts shine as a beacon of support and respite. At the forefront of these remarkable endeavors stand our dedicated volunteers, like Captain Matthew Kirkpatrick and Sergeant Isaiah Pleiman, a U.S. Army Squadron Chaplain and U.S. Army Chaplain’s Assistant assigned to Task Force Saber in Syria.

Sgt Isaiah Pleiman sets up the library to host a USO Reading Program event, when service members can record themselves reading a bedtime story to their children back home.

Amidst his responsibilities for the Unit Ministry Team’s mission, Isaiah has also stepped up to volunteer with the USO, establishing a USO presence and organizing a plethora of initiatives at a combat outpost. Through his unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, Isaiah has significantly contributed to the enhanced morale, well-being and overall success of the Task Force.

When asked why he started volunteering with the USO, Isaiah responded “As we began to understand our location and mission, I saw a need that had to be met. I didn’t really see this specifically as a volunteer opportunity with the USO at first, but just as doing what needed to be done.”

As soon as Isaiah connected with EMEA Expeditionary Manager, Becca Cooper, further preparations to increase morale began. Isaiah and Becca have worked closely together planning programs, ordering and gathering supplies, and implementing more fun events.

The USO has long been known for our we go where they go mindset. Becca said “our expeditionary team has the privilege and honor to be able to immediately activate support through various services. The boots on ground mindset is pivotal to developing a comprehensive programming plan with each expeditionary site.”

Together with Isaiah’s forward thinking mindset and the tools and resources available through the USO, Isaiah and Becca have been able to craft specific programming to fit the needs of this group of service members.

Service members enjoy a game night, utilizing games sent via USO Program in a Box.

A service member on my last expeditionary trip stated, When you see the USO hit ground, you know things are about to get better,

said Becca. “The opportunity to actively engage and listen to the service member’s creative ideas, insight and suggestions allows me the ability to execute specific tailored programming for that specific community.”

Isaiah’s remarkable dedication and efforts led to a well-deserved recognition—he was chosen as the EMEA Regional Volunteer of the Quarter in 2023, honoring his outstanding contributions. But he does not carry out programming alone—Isaiah has a fantastic leader and counterpart in Squadron Chaplain, Cpt Matthew Kirkpatrick.

Over the past 6 months, together Isaiah and Matthew have carried out several programs like a Color Run 5K, a Super Bowl Party, volleyball tournaments, karaoke, line dancing, darts, cornhole, and movie nights.

After the Color Run 5K, Isaiah said “I was concerned that no one would participate due to the heat, rough terrain, and early morning start. But as we got closer to the start of the race, more and more people kept showing up, all excited and smiling. After everyone was finished and covered in crazy colors, I had troops coming up to me saying it was their favorite event, as well as many who had never participated in any other USO event saying they had a lot of fun and were happy they came out for the run. A lot of friendships were built that morning and many of those newcomers have started coming to our other events.”

Sgt Isaiah Pleiman unloads a truck full of USO programs and toiletry kits for his teammates.

All of these planned events provide an avenue for service members to create lasting memories, enjoy themselves, build camaraderie and alleviate the stress inherent in their daily tasks and responsibilities.

“My favorite thing is to see the different ranks interacting and people being people,” said Isaiah. “There are a lot of people that talk about how they can’t wait for the next event or for their next opportunity to dethrone the current champion of a particular event. Even the building of the schedule has not been a solo endeavor, but we have incorporated the suggestions and ideas of others and created a program schedule that people want to participate in because they have a role in it.”

Ultimately, it is the selfless contributions and positive energy of individuals like Isaiah and Matthew that shape and deliver the USO’s mission, leaving a palpable impact on the lives of service members.

Cpt Matthew Kirkpatrick (left) and newly promoted Sgt Isaiah Pleiman (right) partnered with the USO to carry out fun morale-boosting programs for their fellow soldiers.

As the Squadron Chaplain, Matthew listens and does what he can to provide strength and guidance for his service members. “The USO has meant to me a lot over the years as a military kid, it has always been a steady presence no matter my location. But I have never worked so closely with the USO as I have on this tour and my appreciation for the entire organization has only grown,” says Matthew. “… Now my thoughts are beginning to more and more revolve around the laughter and joy that has filled soldiers who are dealing with all kinds of internal and external conflicts on a daily basis. I couldn’t be prouder to work alongside the USO and what it represents!”

Moving forward, the USO EMEA expeditionary team will continue to expand and establish enduring environments that allow service members to stay connected to family, home and country.

“Cpt Kirkpatrick and Spc Pleiman are true advocates for creating and sustaining an environment that only enhances the lives of countless service members,” said Becca. “Their selfless contributions, positive energy and creative collaborations have been crucial in developing and delivering the USO mission. Truly, it is our deployed USO advocates and USO volunteers that are the legacy builders. We could not do this without them.”

Want to help us bring more programs like these to our deployed service members? Here is how you can get involved with the USO’s mission.

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