How the USO and the Air Force are Building Connection Through Gaming

New technology, global pandemics and lockdowns sparked a new apex in the popularity of gaming the past few years. Although the next generation is keen on consoles, online gaming, and virtual reality, the USO has sought to focus on the mission of connection while utilizing the powerful tool of gaming in USO centers all around the globe.

In partnership with Tri-Base Air Force Gaming on RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom, the program now known as “Gilded Gaming” was born. Sparked from an idea in May 2022, Gilded Gaming has now grown to encompass all things gaming for the Tri-Base area for service members and their families.

Twice a month at USO Lakenheath, this program allows players of all ages to connect through their game of choice. Games include Magic the Gathering, Warhammer 40K, Dungeons & Dragons and many more variations including strategy games, tabletops, video games, and even card games.

Locally, there are three USO Volunteers who in addition to their active-duty service, serve as USO Liasons with Air Force (AF) gaming in their free time— their role is to foster gaming and connection in the communities in which they serve. These gaming ambassadors include Staff Sgt. Michael Welisevich, Master Sgt. Andrew McQuary, and Tech Sgt. Orion Dautrive, all of whom have a passion for gaming outside of their military service.

“At every new assignment, I either seek out or seek to create a community for gamers of all sorts and sizes,” said Andrew, “But building a community, like raising a child, oftentimes takes a village, and it is only with support from helping agencies that growing communities of like-minded individuals can thrive.”

The USO Volunteers have become pillars of the gaming community at USO Lakenheath, and service members consistently highlight how much of an impact they have made.

The partnership between USO Lakenheath and the Air Force has been so beneficial for the community and has become a foundation at the Lakenheath center. The original Gilded Gaming program has now grown to include a workshop and gaming tournament once a month.

“The USO has been able to grow the Tri-base gaming community immensely,” said Andrew, “I sing the praises of this program and the support from the USO UK to all who can hear.”

Gilded Gaming in the U.K. started with 20 service members in attendance but has rapidly increased every month due to fostering an environment of learning. Gilded Gaming now hosts a workshop once a month to break down gaming basics and then offers a tournament for fun competition. The first workshop was for Warhammer 40K, where members taught beginners and pros how to start their army and paint their figures.

Lauren Mason, a center operations specialist with USO Lakenheath, recounted how a military family walked in with their 9-year-old son and mentioned he was looking for a hobby.

“The team then gathered around him and immediately helped him start his army,” said Lauren, “it was amazing to see his parents sit back proudly as they saw their son be taken in by such a caring community.”

The gaming community– much like the USO– is extremely accepting of all people and shares in the goal of connecting service members with one another.

USO Lakenheath and AF Gaming will be working together through the program Level Unlocked- Midnight. This partnership with the Lakenheath Resiliency team started with hosting a midnight meal for service members during flightline night shifts. Living a nocturnal lifestyle — working all night and then resting during the day — makes it challenging for service members to attend morale-boosting events and take advantage of services that maintain resiliency. And so with these service members unable to come to us, we came to them.

RAF Lakenheath has a high operations tempo and so bringing gaming to our hard-working service members gives them a minute to decompress during their shift. “As a maintainer myself who has worked night shifts, it’s awesome to be able to give back to my fellow Airmen,“ said Michael "and what better way than through my passion of gaming?

Service members working nights previously commented that they often felt forgotten and left out of USO programming and events. They thanked the USO for including them and making them feel like part of the community again.

What does the future look like for AF Gaming and USO Lakenheath?

Future events include Gilded Gaming monthly, workshops, tournaments with an emphasis on console gaming, and large Con events at RAF Mildenhall with the AF Gaming team. Upcoming Con events include Tri-Con in April and Mil D-Con in October.

“One of the best parts of gaming is that there is something for everyone,” stated Lauren. “And these events are open to one and all from beginners to pros!

For upcoming events and information, patrons can check out the Facebook page USO United Kingdom or swing by the center on RAF Lakenheath.”

By embracing the changes in the ways we live, work, and play, USO Lakenheath and AF Gaming are successfully bringing people together through fun and innovative means. Service members and their families are welcomed with open arms into a community away from home. While technology and the pandemic may have caused people to lose touch in the past, USO Lakenheath and AF Gaming are progressing to the next level of providing connection to service members.

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